Friday, October 23, 2009

Metal Detetecting Challenge Week 2 Summary

Week 2 did not go exactly to plan, but it was still a great adventure. The weeks highlight would have to be the recovery of the World Series Baseball ring. Although total revenue for Week 2 was up on the first week, my budgeting did not go so well. I had a few events come up which I could not really avoid, and I find myself slowly going back to my old spending habbits. So after a tough week I still ended up almost $120 behind. This has wiped out all and more of the net revenue from Week 1.

Plans for week 3?? Get budgeting under control. I am also going to do my best to spend most of this week underwater treasure hunting with my Scuba Diving Equipment. This will eliminate the hassles I was having with catching low tides, and also give me access to hopefully more treasures. As always I will keep you all up to date.


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